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Our Volunteers

  • Are members of our community who are trained and supervised by CASA of Rock County staff.

  • Sworn-in by the Judge as a “friend of the court.”

  • Spend time with their child every week in order to develop a meaningful relationship with them.

  • Communicate with everyone involved in the child’s life: parents, relatives, foster parents, teachers, medical professionals, attorneys, social workers and others, identifying and addressing risks to the child’s safety and well-being.

  • Advocate for the child’s best interests to the court


Why is this Important?

Children come into the child welfare system through no fault of their own. A CASA volunteer is a consistent presence in a child’s life. While working collaboratively with others involved in the case, CASAs keep the best interests of the child at the forefront of each case.

This past year, 51 volunteer advocates served 102 children! However, there is still a great need for more volunteers in Rock County. 

Currently, there are still 48 children waiting to receive a CASA volunteer!


Help us advocate for all the children in Rock County who need someone to be a voice in an overburdened child welfare system.


Spread the word about CASA and what we do!

Become a volunteer advocate!

Donate to help us grow!

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